Category: Iron Village
Diary #27 – 0.6.16 Release Notes
Thanks everyone for playing the Iron Village Demo – the feedback so far has been really helpful! I took care of some of the more urgent feedback (IMO) and put out a patch on Monday, but I’ve only just now been able to put together some release notes. Keep in mind that I cut the…
Diary #26 – Steam Demo Release! (0.6.11 Release Notes)
The Iron Village Demo is up on Steam now! I know the demo has been up for awhile now, and it’s not a full release on Steam yet, but this is still a pretty huge milestone for me, IMO. I’m really hoping some catastrophic bug hasn’t snuck in, waiting to pop out – I did…
Diary #25 – Steam Demo & Flour Power
Hi all, I’ve got another dev diary for your consumption today. First off, an announcement: the Iron Village Demo will be launching on Steam on October 3rd! There’s been quite a few updates since the last demo release (full release notes to follow in a future dev diary), so feel free to give it a…
Diary #24 – Steam!
Hey all, so it’s been awhile! I’m back at my day job, so there’s been less dev time, but I’ve still been busy. The biggest news is Iron Village is up on Steam! You can go ahead and head over to Steam to add it to your wishlist – and please do, it helps make…
Diary #23 – 0.6.00 Release Notes
Iron Village Prototype by Chappington There have been enough changes in the past week to put out another demo release, plus I’m going to be mucking around with things that affect the build system (like setting up the Steam version), so I figure there’ll be a bit of a delay until the next demo. Here’s…
Diary #22 – Clothes, Hair, and Mailing Lists
Yeah, this is a weird title for sure – but I’m touching on a bunch of different things in one post, so I can’t really think of anything wittier. First off, some marketing housekeeping: we’re going retro and have started a mailing list! You can sign up below to get dev diaries and other development…
Diary #21 – 0.5.09 Release Notes
Not too much in this fortnight’s dev diary, since we’re leaving for a family trip to Ontario tomorrow, but I did manage to sneak in an update of the Alpha. Here’s what’s inside: Known Issues: Iron Village Prototype by Chappington
Diary #20 – Storage & Alpha 1 Release Notes
The last big game mechanic being added is storage – basically, a mechanism to cap how many resources you can have at once. Every type of resource besides gold is now capped, so you can’t accumulate a massive surplus without building the infrastructure to actually hold it. “Infrastructure” is an overstatement in some cases though,…
Diary #19 – Homelessness
After the 0.4.03 release, there were two main game mechanics yet to be added: homelessness and resource storage. Resource storage is currently in progress, but homelessness is now fully in place, so I figure I’ll talk about what it is in the context of Iron Village, and a bit about how it was implemented. Homelessness…
Diary #18 – A Comedy of Quirks and Errors
This diary entry is going to be a bit of an odd one – partly a rant, and partly just a retelling of an “adventure”. It’ll go into some technical details that most people probably don’t care too much about, but it’s one of those things I have to get off my chest. So I…
Diary #17 – 0.4.03 “Pride” Update
I wanted to drop another update this week before I’m off to California for an extended weekend/vacation. Mostly it’s just a bunch of bugfixes after the 0.4.01 release two weeks ago that unlocked the second progression level, plus the special Pride train I posted to social media earlier this week. If you haven’t already, please…
Diary #16 – The 0.4 Pre-Alpha Demo
Last week I put out the closest thing to an actual game that’s been available so far, the 0.4 build. Not only is the second progression level in place, but it’s actually accessible to the player now. I touched on this in diary #12, but let’s go over how game progression works. Basically, each level…