Diary #23 – 0.6.00 Release Notes

There have been enough changes in the past week to put out another demo release, plus I’m going to be mucking around with things that affect the build system (like setting up the Steam version), so I figure there’ll be a bit of a delay until the next demo. Here’s what’s changed since 0.5.09:

  • Tweaked the bailout train so that the player also needs to be low on agricultural goods.
    • If the player has a bunch of crops to trade, then we shouldn’t interrupt them from getting the agricultural trading train – that would net them more gold than a bailout train would.
  • Fixed an issue where going through the menu in a specific order would cause it to forget what speed the game was running at prior to opening the menu.
  • Created a new Log Cabin building, as well as a larger “Log House”, to add a variety of early game housing options.
  • Villagers now wear clothes – although, they get assigned one specific set and never change them afterwards.
  • Similarly, they now (usually) have hair, and sometimes get facial hair as well.
  • The stone quarry is now a 2×2 building, and just looks much better than the 1×1 original.
    • The original quarry is still in place as “Deprecated Quarry”, to allow for backwards save compatibility.
  • Dirt roads are now available, adding a free but less efficient alternative to the standard stone road.
    • Stone roads will eventually require progression level 2 and actual stone, so enjoy the cheap cost while it lasts!
  • You can now drag a road over an already existing road – before this would count as a collision, but now it just creates an intersection as you might expect.
    • Note that this doesn’t currently work if you drag a dirt road over a stone one, or vice versa, but this is planned.
  • The resource panel is now more compact, with the capacity number shrunk and tucked underneath the actual resource count.


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