Diary #21 – 0.5.09 Release Notes

Not too much in this fortnight’s dev diary, since we’re leaving for a family trip to Ontario tomorrow, but I did manage to sneak in an update of the Alpha. Here’s what’s inside:

  • Added shadows to pops, buildings, and trains (you might have seen some of these in 0.5.02, I had started implementing these between releasing 0.5.00 and making the hotfix for it).
  • The well is now animated when someone is working there.
  • You can now click and drag to build a road, rather than constantly clicking “Road” and clicking a grid square for each individual square.
  • Added a bunch of new trees, some bushes, and other flora.
  • Trains are no longer randomized, and will alternate between trade trains and passenger trains. This way, you won’t be waiting forever to get a chance to trade.
  • The first train of the game no longer supplies wood, forcing the player to learn how to chop down trees at the start to do anything.
  • Building demolition is no longer instant, and follows the same logic as “demolishing” trees – pops have to come by to do the work.
  • Train color information is now saved in save files, and carries over when loaded.
  • Buy and Sell panels in the train UI can now be minimized.
  • The Railway Status screen now has fancy graphics showing what is unlocked, and what will be unlocked in the next level.
  • A little blue indicator icon comes up when you can level up.
  • Added a cute little 0-4-0 steam engine that pulls trains in the first level.
  • The Train UI and Building Info Box now remain within the screen, no matter where the camera is.
  • There is now a “Bailout” train, offering to purchase basic resources and gives a small amount of free gold. This train gets spawned if the player runs out of gold.
  • Storage buildings now have actual resource costs to build, and have icons in the build menu.
  • The rest of the screen now darkens when in certain menus.

Known Issues:

  • The Bailout Train comes when you have 0 gold, even when you have plenty of tradeable resources. This will be fixed later.
  • In certain situations when exiting a menu, the game will not automatically resume. For example, opening the menu, clicking credits, clicking menu again, and then closing the popup will not resume the game at its previous speed.


One response to “Diary #21 – 0.5.09 Release Notes”

  1. […] I mentioned in the last update (the release of the 0.5.09 demo), I was off on a family trip for a bit over a week. This week has seen some development in scattered […]

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